Happy Thanksgiving one and all! I hope you enjoy the Dirty Laundry Kitchen favorite dinner party of the year. Then cooks, relax while others clean up and get ready for tomorrow and what you plan to do with your leftovers. While today, it all about the American Thanksgiving tradition, by tomorrow, I have plans for you that will draw upon English tradition instead. There’s something about English Breakfast, and Bubble and Squeak Thanksgiving Leftovers is no exception. And I mean that in a positive way. English cuisine gets a bad rap, and while I’m not an expert, I do know my way around English Breakfast, which is often remarkable to me in its simplicity. Commonly, the focus is leftovers, which gives it high marks in my book immediately. I love whipping together something that feels thoughtful, balanced, and substantial without having to start from scratch. And Bubble and Squeak Thanksgiving Leftovers definitely fulfills each category on that list. Eating vegetables for breakfast always feels delightfully virtuous to me, and feeling virtuous is a great way to start your day even if you really haven’t done anything to truly warrant a feeling of virtue. Add some crunchy mashed potatoes and a poached egg and you’re ready to take on the world, or at least a nice fall dog walk. Not to mention the fact that you’ve already started on the tiresome chore of cleaning out the Fridge. Cheerio then. Get you gone, after you’ve finished up your Bubble and Squeak Thanksgiving Leftovers.
Bubble and Squeak Thanksgiving Leftovers
- roasted Brussels sprouts
- mashed potatoes
- poached eggs
- salt
- pepper
- Heat a non-stick pan, or add some olive oil or butter to a regular sauté pan.
- Salt and pepper to taste i.e. liberally. Let sit for a couple of minutes- no stirring mind you- until the potatoes get a crusty, crunchy coating.
- This will not be elegant like an omelette. Don’t worry about it. Basically, the goal is to get the crunchy stuff on top, so more of the potatoes can touch the hot pan and become crunchy, because that’s the best part.
- Salt and pepper.

Bubble and squeak sounds absolutely delicious, love the idea of using left overs!
Three cheers for English breakfasts!