Cedar Plank Salmon with Cherry Glaze is quite straight forward, in terms of recipe; there’s just not much to it. Most of the drama and the flavor comes from the cedar planks themselves. That said, there is lots of drama and flavor, both of which make Cedar Plank Salmon with Cherry Glaze a perfect dish for parties all summer long. Be it the 4th of July, Midsommar’s or just a Saturday night with a few friends over you’re going to have fun preparing it to your guests amazement and only you will know how simple it is. You will have to plan ahead a bit to make sure you have appropriate cedar planks around as you probably can’t just grab them at your local grocery store, but other than that, my Cedar Plank Salmon with Cherry Glaze preparation is straight forward and really delicious. I first made Cedar Plank Salmon with Cherry Glaze for a Midsommar’s party as both salmon and cedar are very Scandinavian. The cherry glaze came about because I was in Door County for the solstice and since we were sipping on Door County Cherry Spritzers anyway… well, you see where I’m headed. But the flavor was so great that Cedar Plank Salmon with Cherry Glaze has become a Summertime grilling favorite.
Cedar Plank Salmon with Cherry Glaze
- 4 large salmon fillets
- salt
- pepper
- olive oil
Cherry Glaze
- 2 cups sweetened cherry juice
- ½ cup red wine or red wine vinegar
- Place the cherry juice and red wine in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.
- Place the planks on the grill and close the lid.
- Keep an eye on the planks. Too much fire will mean too much smoke. You want a nice cedar smoke flavor, but not too much.
- Remove the fish when it's just cooked through. Drizzle with the remaining glaze. Serve hot with grilled asparagus, Vasterbotten Paj, and the rest of my delicious Midsommar's Menu.

Ooh that cherry glaze sounds like it would be perfect for cedar plank salmon!
The sweet and smokey is a great complement- thanks!