
snakebiteI first learned what a snakebite was while waiting tables at Davis Street Fish Market in Evanston, IL. Since then, I’ve had many at many different bars and they’re all made differently. But when I make them at home, I still go back to the first one I had. It’s the perfect drink to start off a delicious St. Paddy’s day meal. And As you may have guessed, that’s what’s coming your way over the next week or so. Get ready for a shepherd’s pie, soda bread, cabbage and a porter float with chocolate covered pretzels.

½ cider (the tartest one I can find- pictured is a woodchuck “crisp”)
½ ale (I still like Bass)
a shot of cassis (I love the cassis from Finger Lakes Distilling)

Posted in Cocktails, Menus.