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Lemon Toasted Caraway Seeds

Lemon toasted caraway seeds and a healthy and delicious snack as well as a fabulously crunchy garnish for salads of all sorts.
Cook Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Servings: 8
Author: Barrett of dirty laundry kitchen


  • ½ cup caraway seeds
  • 1- 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • zest of one lemon


  • Put olive oil in a sauté pan.
  • Add the zest of one lemon. Heat on medium low until the lemon begins to curl.
  • Add the caraway seeds. Toast them in the oil.
  • When they smell fragrant (a couple of minutes), remove from the pan and cool.


You can make these way in advance, and once you have, you may decide to keep them around all the time. I do.